Anonymous Philanthropy

>Web >UX/UI

Anonymous Philanthropy is a philanthropic agency serving individuals, private foundations, and companies. They work tirelessly on their behalf to guide and amplify their giving in order to solve problems and achieve the change that they hope to see in the world.

Anonymous builds robust and thorough strategic business plans to address each challenge their clients take on. They work alongside charities, funders, athletes, scientists, artists, thought leaders and passionate collaborators to create impact and fulfillment.

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Art Direction
Web Design

Research, copywriting, etc. > Anonymous Philanthropy


Anonymous Philanthropy is an established philanthropic agency that has steadily grown in size, resulting in a brand that didn’t quite showcase all they were capable of.

The main challenge with this project was finding the most concise way to really illustrate the endless possibilities at a company where the sky is the limit. The goal wasn’t necessarily to see an increase in web traffic or new clients, but was more to help showcase the Anonymous way, and to become a platform to showcase their best work and case studies.


The website was overhauled, re-written, made into a book, and then re-designed and re-written again into what it is now.

The result is a website that legitamizes the already established and trusted brand. The language on the website was thoughtfully created to allow their clients to connect at a deeper level, while still allowing the average user to understand the basic concepts.

The new platform allows for Anonymous to constantly be updating their case studies with exciting and relevant projects as they continue to produce groundbreaking work.


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