I am an interdisciplinary designer living in the PNW, passionate about crafting unique design solutions for both new and established brands.

I am a firm believer in keeping things simple and constantly challenge myself to explore clever and straightforward solutions. My passion lies in creating meaningful brand interactions and seamless user experiences that harmonize functionality with aesthetics.

I’m currently a full-time Designer at Envoy, where I focus on creating intuitive and visually engaging digital experiences.

With 8+ years of freelancing, a brief background in philanthropy, and a degree in Communication Design from Texas State University, I’ve further honed my design skills and cultivated a passion for creating memorable designs.

When away from the computer, I find solace in the outdoors or with a good cup of coffee. Whether I'm working on a passion project, tending to my yard, exploring the mountains, or heading to new destinations, I'm always eager for the next adventure.

Let’s work together!

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